ELEVATE (10-14 yrs)

It’s time to ELEVATE the skills and confidence in our pre-teens and teens.

This age group is craving connection, direction, and socialization. These classes will be more fitness/wellness oriented with running at the foundation. We will include resistance training, strength training and cardio, all in a game format. Additionally, we will practice our affirmations and incantations (affirmations while moving our body).

Keiki during their "ELEVATE" class


*If you wish to enroll in any of our Thursday classes, please contact us via email or direct message. We will initiate class scheduling once the minimum class size requirement is fulfilled.

  • 5904 Gannet Ave, Ewa Beach (Iroquois Point)

Our location:

A letter from the owner to our 10 to 14-year-olds:

You guys blow us away. We never knew how much you would change our lives when we started this age group! We’re so honored to be your coaches.

We are completely inspired by your work ethic, your teamwork, your dedication, and your growth. We understand a little bit more now of what you’ve had to go through the last couple of years and we are going to be by your side every step of the way.

You are amazing kids and you all have amazing hearts. We are so excited to see how you guys have all gotten faster and stronger, and that this group has actually become friends outside of the club. That’s what this is all about.

Thank you for making our dream come true! we are super proud of you.

See you on the field!