INSPIRE (1-2 yrs)

These classes are designed to introduce keiki to a lightly structured sports-minded environment. We start class with an action song like “The Freeze Dance" or "If you’re happy and you know it” to warm up. We introduce new skills through obstacle courses and fun stations to practice things like jumping down from a box, holding onto a climbing rope, jumping on the trampoline, and of course…running!
We also include playful vocabulary building, e.g. through games like running to find the colors in the field. We include activities like practicing kicking the ball down the field and catching, and often end class with a “free play” segment.

We hand out stickers and snacks at the end to top it off!

keiki during their "INSPIRE" class


*If you wish to enroll in any of our Thursday classes, please contact us via email or direct message. We will initiate class scheduling once the minimum class size requirement is fulfilled.

  • 5904 Gannet Ave, Ewa Beach (Iroquois Point)

Our location:

A letter from the owner to our 1 to 2 year-olds:

We see how far you’ve come! Everyone has! We love hearing the stories from your parents about how proud they are of you, about how far you’ve come and strong you have gotten!

Some kids weren’t walking well when they first joined OKC and now they’re running and climbing all over the place! Those shy kids that wouldn’t look at us now run up to us and give us high-fives every time they can!

We want our “inspire” kids to know that we’re so proud of all the things they have achieved so far! We love watching each and every one of them grow.

We honestly can’t wait to see how your confidence continues to raise over the next years.

Keep going! You’ve got this.